Library Name

      Type in the name of a library/device/resource etc, without the .doc
      extension, to take a look at its function list. (ATTENTION:
      Case-Sensitive) Alternatively, click on the 'F' Button to pick a document.

   Function Name

      Type in the name of a function to view (it must be in the current Autodoc)
      Alternatively, pick a function from the listview below.
    (ATTENTION: Case-Sensitive)

   Cross-Reference Docs

      Enabling this feature will let you cross-reference other Autodocs and
   include files from within the viewer window. If this feature is disabled then
   you will only be able to hyperlink to entries in the same Autodoc

   Use Dictionary

      This feature lets YAAV create a dictionary of system structures and

   Then you will be able to reference any system constant/structure from within
   the viewer window by simply clicking on it. The Cross-Reference feature must
   be enabled for this to work.

      NOTE: With a 'standard' set of include files the dictionary
   takes up around 120K of disk space.

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